Who we are

Our family has been farming in ranching in Payne County, OK since the 1890’s.  My great-great grandfather, Peter Alexander Bostian, moved from Rowan County, North Carolina and participated in the Oklahoma Land Run, eventually first settling in Mulhall, OK, before later moving to Perkins, OK.  Over the years our family ran commercial cattle.  In 1950 my grandfather, Frank Bates, married Dorcie Bostian and after finishing his Animal Science degree at Oklahoma State University, moved to south central Oklahoma to manage the Triple E Angus operation.  In the early 1960’s he went to graduate school and became employed by Oklahoma State University as an Extension Specialist.  It was in this capacity that he met Ned Biffle of Biffle Emulous, working with Ned for many years in developing and recording performance measures and in ultimately developing the Emulous Angus Line.  Today many Angus cattle can trace back to this line. 

In the early 2000’s my dad and I started to get back into the Angus business, and Frank was a primary reason for me completing my PhD in Animal Science in Animal Breeding and Genetics in 2008 from the University of Nebraska.  We are a family owned and operated business with a passion to bring value to commercial cattlemen who seek cattle that do their job with minimal assistance and who seek cattle that are profitable. If I can be of any assistance to you in your endeavors, feel free to contact me.

Jared Bates, PhD, MBA